Haunted Road Trips
Thrill-seeking ghost hunters know there’s nothing scary about renting a car from Enterprise to ease the spookiest itinerary, whether it’s a weekend getaway or longer vacation. Our road-tested journeys include poking around for poltergeists in homes, hotels and cemeteries in Indiana and exploring the eerier side of New Orleans, where realty agents add “Not Haunted” to “For Sale” signs in some neighborhoods. Or maybe you’d prefer a road trip to Terlingua, Texas, or Bodie, California — two ghost towns making the most in the present of their storied pasts. Have no fear — Enterprise Rent-A-Car is ready when you are!
What Inspires You?
Beaches ▪ Family ▪ Food ▪ Haunted ▪ Music ▪ National Parks ▪ Outdoor Adventures ▪ Relaxation ▪ Road Trips ▪ Romance ▪ Scenic Drives ▪ Shopping ▪ Social Distancing ▪ Space ▪ Weekend Getaways
Trips by State or Province ▪ Northeast ▪ South ▪ Midwest ▪ West ▪ Canada ▪ Mexico